Travel & Car Accessories for Dogs
All products of travel & car accessories for dogs
37 products in 2 pages
Travel accessories for dogs
No excuses not to spend the holidays with your dog. If you have to travel by car, our pet shop we have everything you need for your pet, your family and you viajéis safely inside the vehicle, and following the current traffic regulations. Here you will find the best trasportines for dogs , also safety harnesses or backpacks , blankets or bags for dogs to safely take any road journey.
A safe ride in the trunk
We have already advanced that there is a law today so you can properly travel with your dog in the car. It basically boils down to the following points. Or, you bring your passenger compartment isolated from the animal, ie, in the trunk or the portholes anchored to the vehicle safety elements, as will the other passengers.
Obviously no one wants to take in the trunk, dark uncomfortable and your dog. Unless that we have a very broad, in which even we can have eye contact with our dog. Of course, if we thus have to be some physical impediment to the dog does not jump to the seats, which can be very dangerous in a sudden stop or other maneuvers.
Therefore, we have a type of dog accessories that are meshes that separate the two areas of the vehicle. And if you do not place yourselves this kind of meshes, you have to resort to trasportines, and even the
dog cages . Do not forget that is for security reasons, and even economic, since according to the Highway Code is subject to punishment if we travel with dog loose in the car.
A safe ride in car seats
The same idea applies security in the event that our pet travel in the back seat, sitting or lying next to us. If so, also it has to be secured the animal. Whether we take a
trasportín dog as if it is attached by a harness for dogs , specially designed to anchor the elements of the seat belt.
Thus you can use the trasportines to safety harnesses for dogs, the way they also travel more comfortable and calm the pet, all because they do not accept well this type of displacement, and some come to get very nervous, especially during his first trips.
For this reason, we recommend you have another very useful element. We're talking about within the trasportín take his place or trip an
blanket drive for dogs . It is an object that gives tranquility to the animal, and at the same time will not fill both the seat with her hairs.
Not renounce to travel with your dog
In short, when you face some holidays you must not give up the company of your pet dog, at least for reasons of the journey itself. There are rules for traveling with dogs by car, and we have everything you need for this, with products approved in the case of safety belts and harnesses. Once these essential items you may have, you know that you have to give your luggage to your pet. That is, take your food , a feeding trough , collar, his favorite toy, and why not? some clothes for dogs , you never know if it will cool.