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Food in reptiles is quite accurate, because these animals do not eat all kinds of food, however, despite what they eat are a number of necessary nutrients, essential to develop a healthy body. It is therefore advisable to provide food supplements for reptiles.
A key to include in the diet of an amphibious element are minerals for reptiles, these are necessary for the animal to develop a proper metabolism. Much of the minerals you can find in our online pet store to provide calcium and vitamin D3.
The minerals for reptiles are very useful for captive animals usually are not exposed to the sun, which does not allow them to develop vitamin D, which is through which calcium necessary for the body is absorbed.
Turtles require certain nutrients that allow them to properly develop parts of his face as the shell, for this requires vitamin D, however, there are other types of food supplements for turtles in addition to providing nutrients allows them to protect them from diseases such as parasites.
In Petness.es you can also find food supplements for turtles serve as additives for these amphibians better digest each meal, here you can find gels that are very useful in administering drugs as does most desirable by the animal.
Vitamins for reptiles are other necessary accessories that such pet fulfill vital functions for the body. Vitamins regulate animal growth, reproduction and the proper functioning of vital organs.
The supply of vitamins for reptiles gives the animal the energy required to grow and develop properly.
In Petness.es you econtrarás food supplements for reptiles known brands as Cliffi , Hagen , JBL , Nekton , Novopet , Sandimas , Trixie , Wuapu , Arquivet , King British and Lucky Reptile .